"We are really urging our American friends to raise their bids and make sure that they can commit to more," says
"We welcome that the ambitions have changed dramatically compared to the previous administration, but still we expect more and we need more," Andreas Carlgren, Sweden's Environment Minister, told journalists at a meeting of EU Energy and Environment ministers in Åre, Sweden, who recently took over the revolving presidency of the European Union. Carlgren is encouraged that a
"We see within that bill the possibilities of raising the ambitions, and we are really urging our American friends to raise their bids and make sure that they can commit to more," he said according to Reuters, adding that ”negotiations ahead of Copenhagen are still moving too slow. The EU has so far put 20 percent on the table but we want that to go higher and we want to bring others with us".
Carlgren said global negotiations ahead of
(Adopted from a report by Matthew Goldstein from ARE,
see http://www.reuters.com/article/environmentNews/idUSTRE56M69B20090723)
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