A Climate Sustainability Training Workshop and the 1st Climate Sustainability PLATFORM meeting in Malaysia was conducted on 27th August 2008 in Petaling Jaya by Mr. Uchita de Zoysa of the Centre for Environment Development. The one day event brought representatives from representative's consumer organizations and networks in Malaysia. The event was a joint programme between the Federation of Malaysian Consumer Organizations (FOMCA), ERA Consumer, Global Sustainability Solutions (GLOSS) and the Centre for Environment and Development (CED) in Sri Lanka.
The main objective of the programme as to sensitive consumer protection leaders in Malysia on critical climate issues to be debated at the upcoming UNFCCC COP15 meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009. de Zoysa introduced the subject in an introductory presentation themed "The Climate Challenge According to IPCC & the Scientific Community" which covered subjects including observed changes in climate, causes of climate change, impacts of climate change, adaptation and mitigation, cost of delaying action and the path ahead.
In his keynote presentation themed 'Right to Development in a Climate Change Agenda' de Zoysa challenged the current approach to handling the climate change negotiations and stressed that climate sustainability needs to be pursued as a way of breaking the impasse between climate responsibility and right to development. While climate change is presented as the greatest challenge faced by humanity, half of the world remains in poverty which makes the world wander what are the priorities of the international governance. De Zoysa concluded that we need to go beyond mitigation and adaptation debates and address “Equity” based world order where global policies are designed to ensure equitable opportunities. He challenged that the western approach of efficiency based development paradigms would only prolonge the problems and proposed that Asia retracts back to ‘Sufficiency’ as in self-reliance & contentment.He stressed that the key objective of all agreements should be towards creating ‘Peace, Happiness & Wellbeing’ and the way to do it was by creating ‘Mindfulness’ to promote right livelihood and not consumerist lifestyles.
The platform was also addressed by leading Malaysian consumer activist Datuk Marimutu Nadasan who said that Malaysia needs to formulate a national climate change policy very soon. He was critical of the development path in Malaysia which is creating more consumerist lifestyles and said that consumers too should become more mindful and that climate change should commence first with the approach of "change in me first". The participants discussed the Malaysian climate challenge and planned strategies to create a consumer movement based climate campaign with immediate effect.
Climate Sustainability PLATFORM is a open forum for climate negotiators, sustainability influencers and people from developed and developing countries across the world. We bring together scientists, NGOs, entrepreneurs, policy makers, politicians, youth, women, mean and all stakeholders to hold DIALOGUES and to formulate a Climate Sustainability MANIFESTO. The PLATFORM is now open for us all to place their various opinions and demands to be heard. Share your voice! Let our voices be heard! Let us together ensure climate sustainability on earth!
The PLATFORM is moderated by the Centre for Environment and Development (CED) and Global Sustainability Solutions (GLOSS) with the support of dozens of organizations and experts across the world. For further information please contact us at uchita@sltnet.lk or info@glossolutions.com or ced@sltnet.lk
Mr. Uchita de Zoysa (Centre for Environment and Development-Sri Lanka), Prof. Jayanta Bandyopadhyay (Centre for Development and Environment Policy, Indian Institute of Management –India), Dr. Prasanna Ratnaweera (Open University of Sri Lanka), Mr. Gopal Kumar Jain (South Asia Youth Environment Network, Centre for Environment Education – India), Dr. Simron Singh (Institute for Social Ecology, Klagenfurt University Schottenfeldgasse – Austria), Mrs. Ambreen (Waheed Responsible Business Initiative – Pakistan), Mr. Mohiudin Babar (Nature Alliance – Bangladesh), Mr. Khuong Sopheak (Cambodian NGO Network- Cambodia), Mrs. Darwina Sri Widjajanti (Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan - Indonesia), Datuk Marimuthu Nadason' (ERA Consumer – Malaysia), Mohamed Tawfic Ahmed (Suez Canal University – Egypt), Dr Samba NDIAYE (Senegalese Association for the Protection of Environment and Consumers – Senegal), Mr. Daniel Ku (Bella Cycla –Taiwan), Mr. Jefferey Barber (Integrative Strategies Forum – USA), Mr. Bruce Davison (Global sustainability Solutions – UK) , Ms. Wu Dan (Green Association of Huazhong Agricultural University – China), Ms. Ratna Devi Nadarajan (Standard Users – Malaysia), Ms. Kerry Arabena (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, ANU – Australia), Dr. Kersty Hobson (The Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU – Australia), Arjun Dutta (Alphia Institute of Business Management – India), Mrs. Pip Richards (Sustainable Trust – UK), Mrs. Habiba Al Marashi (Emirates Environment Group – UAE), Ms. Kaisha Atakhanova (EcoForum / Social EcoFund – Kazkastan), Sylvia Karlson (Finland Futures Research Centre - Finland), Mr. Souleymane Bassoum (AGRECOL Afrique – Senegal), Mr. Dmitriy Tereshkevich (Humans Health Institute – Kazkastan), Mrs. Afifa Raihana (STEP – Bangladesh), Mr. Ali Rilwan (Bluepeace – Maldives), Dr Simad Saeed (CDE Consulting – Maldives), Attorney (Mrs.) Shani Weerasena (Global Sustainability Solutions), Chee Yoke Ling (Third World Network - Malaysia), Prof. Peter Victor (York Uiversity - Canada), Dr. Keya Gosh (Consumer Unity & Trust Society - CUTS, India), Mr. Chris Church (London21, UK), Dr. Peter Carter and Julie Jonston (GreenHeart Education-Canada), Ms. Rikke Lundsgaard (Danmarks, Naturfredningsforening), Dr. Bhaskar Singh (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Nepal), Paola Amato (Province of Terni - Italy), Britt-Marie Lundh (BML Solutions - Sweden), Elaine Cohen (BeyondBusiness - Israel), Victor Ricco (Center for Human Rights and Environment - Argentina), Jeane Block (Green Arts Lab - France), Khadeeja Balkhi (Triple Bottom Line - Pakistan), Gurshan Singh Kainth ( GAD Institute of Development Studies - India), Shakeel Ahmed (Sustainable Development Policy Institute - Pakistan), Felix Dodds (Stakeholder Forum - UK), Flora Ijjas (Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Hungary), Dr. Faiz H. Shah (Responsible Business Initiative – Pakistan), DR. ATMANAND (Management Development Institute – India), Dona Oksenberg (Green arts Lab – France), Fa’iz Marhami (Marhami Beyg – USA), Gail Karlsson (US Citizens Network for Sustainable Development – USA), Michal Vital (bustan – Israel), Amleset Haile Abreha (Mekelle University – Ethiopia), Jenna Goodhand (Canada)